Getting Our Money's Worth

Since Sunny and I bought full-price tickets to Busch Gardens Williamsburg the last time we visited, we had to take advantage of their offer to return anytime during the remainder of the season for free.  We brought Lee along with us and spent a good six hours hitting up all of our favorite rides, including the ones we missed last time, like Apollo's Chariot and Mach Tower.

The Mach Tower was cool because unlike the Drop Zone at Kings Dominion, it spins on the way up so you get a nice view of different sides of the park.  On the other hand, it only drops you 246ft instead of 305ft, so I guess you can't have it all.

We forewent our usual eateries and decided to grab a "snack" at the smokehouse in France instead.  ZOMG, the Sampler contained so much meat!  And potatoes!  And bread!   Luckily we got a healthy serving of veggies with... one giant pickle.

The park closed at 7pm, which meant we had to make the half-hour trek and tram ride to Lee's car.  We tried parking in the closer lot when we arrived, but the traffic director sent us to the farther lot on our way in.  Dissatisfied with our assignment, we actually turned around, drove back to the entrance, and then drove up to the intersection again, hoping for a different result.  Instead, we got a wag of the finger from the traffic director, who promptly sent us right back to the distant parking lot.

By the time we got on the road, we were starving, so we made a necessary pit stop in Richmond for dinner at Pho So 1 Vietnamese Restaurant.  Somehow we managed to each put down a half gallon of soup with our meal.  The bowls themselves were the size of my entire abdomen, and it's kind of disgusting to think that we distended our stomachs with so much food.  I'm sorry, did I say disgusting?  What I meant was incredibly awesome.

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