You've Got a Friend in Me

Mo, the latest addition to my ever-growing list of roommates at my current residence, is the proud owner of a dog named Bam Bam.  When they first moved in, Titan was not a fan of the new pup in town.  He's gotten to the age when he doesn't just want to flop around and play with other dogs (see my post on daugtism), and he's become very territorial on top of that.  So, we prevented Bam Bam and Titan from interacting inside the house for several weeks.

In the meantime, Mo and I adjusted our dogs to one another's presence on neutral ground outside of the house.  Bam Bam slowly learned that maybe he shouldn't try humping Titan, because that immediately sets Titan off.  Titan slowly learned that maybe he shouldn't snap at Bam Bam, because I'll pick him up and body slam him if I have to in order to get him to stop.

I didn't realize how close the two of them had become until this past week, when Mo went out of town and left Bam Bam with one of his friends.  Every day, Titan would go down to the basement where Mo and Bam Bam's bedroom is and sit by the door.  When I called for him, he would reluctantly slink his way back up the staircase.  Luckily, Mo and Bam Bam came home last night, so I took the two dogs for a quick romp outside before work this morning.

Oh, how they love wrestling on the beautiful landscape of the South Lawn!  Bam Bam, it's good to have you back.  Titan has missed you!

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