The Day After Tomorrow

The reports are true: at 1:51pm today, Virginia experienced a 5.8-magnitude earthquake stemming from this point in Louisa County.  Where were you when it happened?

I was in the Pediatric Emergency Department, where I am working for the next two weeks.  At first, we thought it was construction, which had been going on and vibrating the ground floor all morning.  But the shakes were more severe than the buzzing feeling we had been getting in our feet all day, and we soon realized that we were experiencing the effects of an earthquake, not a jackhammer.  By that point, the tremors had stopped, and luckily for us, the UVA Emergency Department was still intact.

Normally I'd make some sort of geographic or geologic pun right about now, but given the serious nature of natural disasters, there's Norway I'd stoop Oslo as that.

EDIT: Knowing that Titan doesn't do well in thunderstorms, I wondered how he fared during the earthquake.  Well, Mo just told me that Titan crept downstairs and snuck into his bedroom to hang out with him and Bam Bam during the tremors.  Aww, so cute!  This also brings me to another point: Titan has figured out how to break out of my room despite the fact that my door opens inward.  He just wedges his nose between the doorknob and the door frame until the knob rotates counterclockwise, then he pulls backward until the door flies open.  He is truly a daugtistic savant.

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