Transformers 2 Manifesto

Paul, I do not like the movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Paul, despite your insistence, I have never in my life claimed to like the movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

I don't understand why you keep telling people that I enjoy it.

It is untrue.

Despite being a huge box office success, everybody knows that the movie made no sense whatsoever and might actually be the




I have made my opinion of Transformers 2 very clear

In this blog post.

In several conversations.

In every essence of my being.

Let it be known from this day forward that although I despise Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I have not yet given up all hope on director Michael Bay and writer Ehren Kruger, and I continue to hope that the third and allegedly final installation in this action trilogy will deliver the same intensity and wit as the original film.


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