
Today, a patient came into clinic to be evaluated for his facial tics.  While Dr. O'Rourke was examining his ears, I happened to notice that he had a tick crawling on his arm.  The man had tics and ticks... what are the odds??

If you still haven't seen Inception, you need to make your way to the nearest movie theater and catch the next showing.  If you have, I highly recommend this article, which presents six different interpretations of what actually happened during the movie.

Did you know that before Topeka changed its name to Google last year as part of a bid to become a test site for the fiber optic internet system, it had also changed its name to Topikachu back in 1998 to coincide with the debut of Pokemon in the United States?  The geek in me rejoices!

Why did nobody point out to me that I had originally titled my July 16 post "I'm an Winner"??  I'm deeply ashamed of my grammar fail.

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