Save the Drama for Your Mama('s Day)

I made it back to Charlottesville last night... and thanks to the fact that my keys are still somewhere in South Carolina, I had to live as a nomad. I hung out at Paul's house for a while until one of my roommates  could come home and let me in, but while I was there, I noticed that my cell phone was no longer on me.

At first I thought that maybe I had left it in the car... but it wasn't there.

Then I remembered that I could use the Find My iPhone app to locate it by GPS. I checked on it... and it was moving. That's when I realized that someone had stolen my iPhone and was walking around with it! I'm pretty bad (aka scared) of confrontations, but Paul told me he would come with me and that we were getting my phone back. Luckily Greg was over at Paul's house, too, so while he monitored the thief's movements online, we drove around to hunt him down.

Eventually the dot stopped over a house on Shamrock Road, so we drove there and knocked on every door in the vicinity of the GPS dot. Unfortunately, no luck... and suddenly the dot was on the move again.

At this point the dot was just jumping around the map every few seconds, which made us doubt its accuracy. I asked Paul to drive back to his house, where we would regroup and figure out what to do next. When we got there, I did one last sweep of my car to make sure I hadn't just overlooked it... and found it sitting in the trunk.

So, apparently my trunk gives off a bizarre frequency that scrambles my iPhone's GPS system. Also, I AM AN IDIOT.

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