I Have a Job!

Today is the Monday of Match Week, which means that we found out whether or not we matched into a program on our rank list. The news came in the form of an e-mail at noon bearing the subject line, "Did I Match?" Kind of a jerkish title, don't you think? I mean, it would have been nice to see something come into my inbox simply saying, "You Matched!" Why drag out the anticipation any longer?

To kick off the Match Week celebrations, we had a class-wide cookout this afternoon featuring Kyle's own venison burgers. It also featured dogs. Like, a lot of dogs. Apparently everyone who didn't already own a dog got one during their fourth year, because at one point I counted fourteen: Titan, Maizy, Huey, Baker, Alfie, Basil, Madison, Maggie, Pebble, Mason, Shiloh, Rugby, Youk, and Charlie. Liz had the foresight to bring treats with her, which pretty much made her the most popular person at the party.

Sadly, I had to leave the cookout early in order to go to H2$ rehearsals. And so returns my college motto: I can't... I have rehearsal.


Anonymous said...

And Abby! - another black lab :)

Sammas said...

Who is Abby? I don't think I've ever met her!