Wind Taken Out of My Sails

My spirit has been crushed.  I just came back from my LASIK consultation appointment, and to make a long story short, I am not a candidate for the procedure.

To make a short story long, my cornea is actually perfectly healthy and able to tolerate the procedure, but the level of myopia in my right eye is too severe (-8.5 diopters).  In order to correct my vision, they would have to remove so much tissue that the remaining corneal layer would be too thin to tolerate physiologic intraorbital pressure.  I also don't qualify for PRK because the extent of the procedure would put me at risk for severe scarring.

The good news is that there's something coming down the pipeline (isn't there always?) that basically functions like a contact lens implanted permanently into the cornea, called an intracorneal inlay.  It's currently in Phase III Clinical Trials, so maybe in the next few years this will be an option for me.

Until then, I'll just have to continue looking incredibly dashing in my stylish glasses.

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