Guilt Trip

This second time around doing P90X, I promised myself not to take it so seriously.  I like working out regularly, but I don't want to beat myself up if I have to miss a workout or two.  After all, I am a medical student.  Sometimes, life gets busy, and I need to accept the fact that occasionally, I won't have time to exercise.

But no matter how many times I tell myself this, I still feel incredibly guilty when I miss a workout.  Especially this week, when I haven't exercised since Sunday.  Sure, maybe I've been working long hours in the Coronary Care Unit.  And sure, maybe I've had meetings, rehearsals, or Spanish class every single night of the week.  And sure, maybe I've overextended myself and occasionally feel like my life is spiraling out of control.  But isn't that what hypomania is all about?  Shouldn't I be able to fit everything I want to do into one 24-hour day!?  SHOULDN'T I????

Man, hypomania is the best of times.

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