Pudding vs. Peanut Butter

I'm spending the next two weeks on Pediatric Gastroenterology with some of the most hilarious doctors in the hospital.  There's never a dull moment in clinic!  Someone is always cracking jokes, which is a good way to lighten the mood when you spend all day talking about something as disgusting as poop.

Actually, it's not so much the poop itself that disgusts me, but the way we describe it.  "What is the consistency of your child's poop?  Is it hard or is it soft?  I'm going to need you to be a little more specific... is it similar to soft serve?  No?  How about peanut butter?  Or pudding?  Or mashed potatoes?"


1 comment:

Janice Dean said...

Awww, my pediatric gastroenterologist has been, to date, my favorite doctor (and I've had quite a few).