T9 Word

VMed Prom was two nights ago, but I'm still trying to put the evening together.  I continue to regret the fact that I didn't have my camera on the dance floor, because I'm pretty sure I would have captured some priceless moments, and I might have more of a clue as to what the heck happened that fateful night.

Thus far, my favorite pieces to the Puzzle of Prom have been the following string of text message that I sent:

To Richie, 10:44pm - Eunuegu
To Kathryn, 10:55pm - Wires are you
To Kathryn, 11:00pm - Were ere you
To Kathryn, 11:01pm - Where is you
To Kathryn, 11:02pm - TALK TO ME
To Kathryn, 11:17pm -
To Kathryn, 11:18pm -  a pool tables
To Richie, 11:49pm - Did you find my food for titan

Apparently aside from looking for my camera, I was also very concerned about finding Kathryn and dog food.  Hooray?

1 comment:

Me said...

You neglected to include my response

"I shout not be ali e"

basically...same boat.