Celebrity Gossip

I mentioned earlier this week that today's Pediatric Cardiology Clinic had been canceled.  Well, enter Gunner Sammas, who asked Dr. Schneider if there was anything else going on that he could do this morning.  Turns out there was a baby with hypoplastic left heart syndrome who was having a Norwood procedure (the first of three corrective surgeries) in OR3, so Gunner Sammas went to go observe.

Part of the procedure involves the placement of a Sano Shunt, during which a hole is made in the wall of the right ventricle, and a conduit is placed to connect that ventricle to the pulmonary artery.  Half an hour into the procedure, who should walk into the room but Dr. Sano himself.  ZOMG!  Apparently he was visiting UVA Health System, so he came to watch the surgery that was freaking NAMED AFTER HIM.  Jealousy venous distension!

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