
When babies get upset, they get TootSweet, a liquid solution that's 24% sucrose.  You can drip some of it on their pacifier, and they're so absorbed in sucking on the delicious flavor that they completely forget about whatever was bothering them in the first place.

When I get upset, I get leftover Halloween candy.  For some reason, everyone on the Pediatrics unit decided that the best thing to do with their Trick-or-Treating leftovers was to bring them all to work.  We have innumerable plastic pumpkins sitting on every table, filled to the brim with delicious candies.  Don't they know how weak I am, and how easily I give into temptation??

I ate so much candy yesterday that I vowed not to touch a single piece today.  But my taste buds had other plans.  By the time I left work, I realized that I had eaten a packet of candy corn, a packet of M&Ms, a packet of Skittles, and a packet of Whoppers.  ZOMG, SUGAR RUSH!!

It's weird; I actually don't like to eat sweet foods.  I rarely eat desserts, and I never crave cake or pie, always opting instead for more of the entree.  But when it comes to colorful candy marketed towards five-year-olds, I can't even put up a fight.

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