And I Was Like Baby, Baby, Baby Ooh

Changing a baby's diaper for the first time was cool, but seeing someone give birth for the first time?  Way cooler.

I'd never thought of it before, but when the mom "delivers" the baby, someone has to be there to "receive" it.  And today, that was me.  Okay, fine, and the nurse practitioner and the nurse that I was shadowing.  Moving past the important details, what a crazy experience!  The woman giving birth was getting a repeat c-section.  Only thirteen minutes passed between the first incision and the baby's head popping out!  And I mean literally popping out.  They were carefully cutting open the uterus when BAM! all of a sudden the entire baby emerged.  I was caught completely off-guard!  The next thing I knew, we were drying off the baby, taking its Apgar score, and weighing the newborn (a small but healthy 5lbs8oz).

The weirdest part of it all was that the family had asked the nursing student to take pictures of the baby as soon as it came out, so I'm in the background of a ton of them.  Now, whenever they flip through their baby's photo album, they'll see me.  And the narcissistic side of my personality couldn't possibly be more pleased.

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