Cleaning Catharsis

Boy, do I love to clean.  You can really tell when I get stressed, because the closer I get to exams, the neater my room becomes.

Pete and Andrew have both moved out of the house, and since the four of us who remain all happened to be home tonight, we decided to clean out the living room, the kitchen, and the refrigerator.  They are all so much cleaner now than they were four hours ago!  We found apples that had been growing mold, pizza that was so hard that it was contractured like a bad scar, and oatmeal that expired in June 2007.  Seriously??  That's over a year before I moved into this house!

Our work (or pleasure, depending on how you look at it) isn't done yet... we still have the cupboards, the freezer, and the basement.  Thank goodness I'm on my Geriatrics rotation and literally have nothing to do during the evenings.

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