You'll Never Leave This Island

I stayed in to study Path tonight, by which I mean that I went to go see Shutter Island with Nick and Lindsay.  It.  Was.  So.  Good.  I mistakenly thought that it would give my brain a rest and just provide me with a few hours of cheap entertainment, but my mind was practically racing the entire movie.  So many twists!  So many surprises!  So many girls screaming in the audience!

If I learned one thing from the movie, it's that perhaps psychiatry really is the ideal field for me.  Shutter Island is set in 1954, right after the development of chlorpromazine, the first typical antipsychotic medication.  The drug is used by the psychiatrists in the movie, and it's still in the UVA formulary today.  Less new drugs to learn?  At this point, that sounds like the perfect specialty to me!

EDIT:  I just realized that the basic premise of Shutter Island is about uncovering the truth behind a mysterious island where nothing is as it really seems while trying to get off of the island and return home.  Sound like something else I'm totally obsessed with?


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