Happy Easter

I just got back from the Easter Sunday service at University Baptist Church. As always, Pastor Leland gave a challenging yet inspirational sermon, and today's was on what it means to be "Easter People." The service was really nice, and it was nice to see so many people in church, but there was one thing missing: we didn't sing my favorite hymn, Up from the Grave He Arose. For those of you who don't know the song, its verses are very slow and somber, but the chorus sounds extremely gallant and triumphant. It's like the song has bipolar disorder... and I love it. The song became even cooler after after Caroline told me about her friend, who thought the words sounded a lot like the phrase "Up from the gravy, a rose!" and made a drawing of it that I tried to replicate on the left. Hmm. On second thought, maybe I oughtta stick to playing the piano.

And now, to celebrate this beautiful Easter afternoon by studying hepatic histology. Why? Because if one organ could resurrect itself from the dead, I'm pretty sure that it would be the liver.

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