
Word of the Day: agnosagnosia, meaning the inability to recognize a particular deficit. In other words, not knowing what you don't know. This is often a result of strokes that damage the parietal lobe. Why do terrible medical conditions always have such cool names?

The trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine was just released. Okay, I get it: Hugh Jackman is really buff. And he's going to kick a lot of butt during the movie. He can even jump onto a helicopter (I think he just showed you up, John McClane). But wait... he also fought in the Civil War? Now that I just refuse to believe.

All those horrifying movies about robots going crazy and destroying the fabric of human society (The Matrix, The Terminator, Transformers, I, Robot, the list goes on) may not be too far from the truth. Kenji, a third generation humanoid robot programmed to love, is about to be decommissioned. Why? Because one night, he trapped a young intern in the lab and "used his bulky mechanical body to block her exit and hug her repeatedly." Of course this would happen in Japan.

I leave you with a clip from the Weekend Update segment of the last Saturday Night Live. Ch-ch-check it out!

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