Gotta Catch 'Em All!

You know when you laugh so hard you start to cry? Well, it happens to me at least once a day. Today, it happened during Neuroscience lecture because Sunny tried to explain to me a Bumper Sticker she had seen last night on Facebook and was planning to send to me this afternoon. I thought I was going to die of joy right then and there, but I have lived long enough to tell the tale. If you can figure out what it means, then Sunny and I welcome you to the Geek club. If you can't, then you're probably better off for it, and you can find out what it is by highlighting the white space below.

Answer: I'm not gonna RAICHU a love song.


Me said...

omg i figured it out about one sentence into your post...i don't know what to think of myself anymore.

Me said...

also. i want one.

Anonymous said...

I figured it out, but it was not funny. You are a Pokemon nerd. I am not laughing right now, at all. I read this post expecting to be rolling around in fits of laughter, but I'm not. I'm not laughing, Sam.