
Tina gave me all three seasons of "Arrested Development" for Christmas, and she also included a card with this drawn on the cover. My mom thought it was the funniest/cleverest/most creative thing she had ever seen. Thanks a lot, Tina.

Titan is now on Facebook. Yeah, I know, I'm that kid who makes a profile for his pet. So sue me. But by "sue" I mean "friend" and by "me" I mean "Titan Zhao."

Google Analytics is a service provided by Google that makes daily reports on any website that you register. It lets you know things like how many visitors you get a day, how they came across your website, and how much time the average visitor spends on it. In the past two months, I have had hits from Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, and even Kuwait. Who are you, international stalkers, and why did you stop reading my blog?

I have also learned that people have come across Idiopathies by searching for the terms "romalian type font," "leah remini," and "obsessed with self diagnostics." Perhaps more interestingly, people have come across Our Separate Ways by googling "fucking pi kapp boys." I mean, seriously? Who is looking for that, and what do they think they're going to find? Gotta respect the crazies out there.

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