Korean House

It's my new favorite restaurant in Charlottesville. I've been there a few times now, and each time, I have walked away full to the brim. Tonight we went there to celebrate Patrick's birthday, and the owner made dumplings for all of us on the house! We ordered our food family style, and I tried two dishes I'd never had before, the spicy squid and the seafood pancakes. Mmm, dericious!

On the way home, I stopped at an Exxon to get gas. While the tank was filling up, I walked around, searching for one of the window cleaners. One of the downsides to living at my house is that our driveway is bordered by a dense collection of trees, so there are constantly bird droppings all over my car. Well, as it turned out, this particular gas station that I had stopped at didn't have any window cleaners. What were they thinking? Have they no regard for my OCD tendencies!?

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