VMed on Ice

To end our Re-Orientation Week, Nosheen and I planned for our class to go ice skating at the Downtown Mall together. This was truly an altruistic decision made by the most selfless social chairs ever. Neither Nosheen nor I had ice skated before, yet there we were, wearing our rental skates, trying to maintain our balance (see us on the verge of toppling over).

All in all, I ended up enjoying ice skating much more than I expected, although I could have done without the little kids whizzing past me and scaring the bajeezus out of me. Then, another novice skater was about to fall and grabbed onto ME for balance. Talk about a poor life decision on her part. It was only by the grace of God that we did not both face-plant. Also, I never really learned how to slow down, so when the girl right in front of me stopped, I had no choice but to grab her torso from behind so that I wouldn't run into her and knock her over. I remember saying something awkward, like "Sorry, I didn't have a choice!" before blacking out. It's too bad that going unconscious is my only reliable method of defense.

Surprisingly, I didn't fall that much over the course of the night. My best fall was the one that involved me sliding between Steph's legs (it was weird; I'm not really sure what happened). My worst was when I got over-confident in my abilities and then fell backwards on an outstretched arm. Luckily I didn't get a Colles' fracture, but I may have damaged my pisiform bone. I'll keep you updated.

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