All R.A. Floor

One of the things I miss most about college is being an RA. I loved living with bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first years. I loved watching them get to know each other better throughout the year. I loved being able to answer their questions about adding and dropping classes, on- and off-grounds housing, and how to get to Barracks Road Shopping center. I loved dealing with roommate disputes and breaking up drunk fights. I loved staying up till 2am taking care of people who had taken too many shots. I loved picking residents up from jail in the morning. Wait a minute...

In spite of some of the less appealing responsibilities, I did really enjoy being an RA. But how horrible would life be if I were forced to live on an entire hall full of RAs!? CollegeHumor dared to tackle this question, and what they found was... well, probably very accurate.

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