A Hypothetical Situation

If I were to go out on a Wednesday night, I imagine that I would feel kind of groggy the next morning, especially if I had to set an alarm for 7:30 in the morning to make it to a Biochemistry small group discussion at 8:10. I would most likely hit the snooze button a few times and not actually get out of bed until 7:50. It would probably also suck to forget where I put my glasses before I went to bed and spend five minutes feeling around my room looking for them with my hands. Things might not be much better after I put my glasses on, because I could potentially find my room in a mess, with all of my clothes from last night flung across the floor. It's possible that I would have to skip my morning shower and run to the kitchen to pack the lunch that I neglected to pack the night before. I would also probably have to run to class just to make sure that I made it in time to get that 1% of my final grade.

Good thing this is only a hypothetical situation. Whew!

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