La Ginecología

The surgical team that arrived last week consisted of four podiatrists and one gynecologist.  Haha, what??  I don't know.  Anyway, today was our gynecological clinic day, where we screened all of our potential hysterectomies.  Unfortunately, none of the patients we saw were surgical candidates.  Some of them need to be medically treated until they are ready for surgery during the next jornada in October.  Others need to go to a state hospital where they have more equipment for more extensive care.

It was sad turning away all of the gynecological patients, and it was also sad for the doctor who had traveled all the way down here in hopes of doing surgeries throughout the week.  He wanted to be more prepared the next time he came, so he is planning on visiting the state hospital in Sololá tomorrow to meet with some administrators.  I'm actually getting a day off from clinic tomorrow so that I can travel with and translate for him there.

Whoo, road trip!

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