Good Night, Sleep Tight

When my parents moved to the new house, they packed all of my stuff into boxes and brought it with them.  Those boxes have sat untouched in the closet of my new bedroom... until tonight.

It shames me to say this, but my parents literally made me clean my room today.  Ugh, it felt just as terrible as it did when I was 17 years old.  But trying to organize all of the stuff that I hadn't even laid eyes upon since I left for college forced me to take the scenic route down memory lane.

Going through each individual box, I decorated the bedroom walls with things that High School Sam would have loved.  I taped up movie posters for Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, and Bourne Identity, but I also threw out some posters I'm kind of embarrassed to own: 25th Hour, The Recruit, Moulin Rouge, and The Birthday Girl (apparently I really liked Nicole Kidman as a teenager).

In addition to the movie posters, I hung up all of my paper-bags-turned-book-covers, or at least the ones that my friends had helped me decorate when we got bored during class.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.  In the midst of all of my high school projects and posters, I also uncovered a letter that Catmo and Kathryn wrote me from Italy, a wanted notice that Thomas mailed me for my birthday, a country music mix CD (my first!) that Katie burned me, pictures that Tina drew for my class officer campaign posters, hemp bracelets that Stevie made me, the Senior Book that Christin and I put together, and much, much more.

Perhaps most surprisingly, I found this Michelle Branch poster that I don't even recall owning, but judging by the handwriting, I'd have to say that Mica put together for me.  Well, thanks to whoever made it, because it now adorns a corner of my wall:

Man, 17-year-old Sam was living a pretty good life.  I wanna hang out with that guy.

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