Christmas Gifts: Ur Doin It Rite!

And so the gifts start coming in.

I guess the first one was prompted.  You see, I used to have an orange and blue Resident Staff Nalgene bottle that I took with me everywhere, from my marine biology class in the Bahamas to my family vacations in China to the hospital wards at UVA.  Sometime earlier this year, I lost it.  I was heartbroken.

Then I met Darius, a fellow UVA alum who now works at the Residence Life Office.  He found me another Nalgene bottle just like the one I lost, as well as the newer issue water bottle.  Thank you, Darius, for your kindness, which will not be forgotten.  A Lannister always pays his debts.

My second gift came in the form of an experience.  Leslie is in town for work, so we met at Arch's to feast on frozen yogurt.  One thing stood in the way of us lolling the night away reminiscing about the many classes and concerts we had shared: the water cooler was empty.  The employee who was working had broken his collar bone and couldn't refill it, so I offered to do it for him, which meant I got to go behind the counter at Arch's.  YES: I GOT TO GO BEHIND THE COUNTER AT ARCH'S.  Indeed, a dream come true.

The gift certificate for a free 9oz. cup that he gave me afterwards was just topping on the frozen yogurt.  Get it?  Like icing on the cake?  I'm hilarious!

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