Late Night Escapades

The Madison House Alumni Council Weekend took place over the past few days, bringing many UVA alumni back to grounds.  Two of them, Garrett and Allie, happen to also be two of my best friends.  It was great catching up with them and reliving some of our greatest college memories.  Indeed, some things never change: Garrett and I grabbed late night Gus burgers at the White Spot on Friday night, and Allie and I chowed down on some Christian's Pizza slices on Saturday night.

But, there are some things that do change.  I had an experience at The Virginian last night that I won't soon forget.  Allie, Garrett, Brian, and I strolled into the restaurant and grabbed a seat at one of the booths after saying hi to some people that we knew.  Everything was pretty calm and normal until midnight, when the bartender jumped on the bar and made everyone be quiet.  First, he made all of us sing Happy Birthday to the other bartender.  Then, he made us observe a moment of silence in remembrance of the events of 9/11.  Then, he made us all sing along to God Bless the USA while it played over the restaurant speakers.

This in itself already makes for an exciting ten minutes since we arrived, but before I even had a chance to really get into the next song (Wagon Wheel, the obvious follow-up), a fight erupted around me.  Beers were poured on and drinks were flung at each other, and I quickly became collateral damage.  It all caught me by surprise: one second, I was singing about how I pick the banjo now, and the next second, I was covered in some vodka drink from head to toe.  And that's when I decided it was time for us to leave The Virginian.

Sigh.  Charlottesville, you know I love you more than Thomas Jefferson loves noblesse oblige, but maybe it is finally time for me to move on.


1 comment:

Anoop said...

i was there... dont recall the fight though. and if you stopped coming to the virginian...there would be some serious discussion on whether or not we could remain friends..haha