The Voice of America

Tonight we find out who wins the first season of The Voice.  Those of you who know me know that I am a sucker for reality competition shows, so it should come as no surprise that I've been following the series regularly.

I've had my eye on Javier Colon, the man with the voice of gold, since the blind audition episodes.  The amount of vocal control he has is unbelievable; he just tears out these riffs as if he were the male version of Christina Aguilera (ironically, his coach is Adam Levine).  But Dia Frampton has been winning me over one performance at a time.  Her voice is uniquely smooth and sincere, and I think I have to pull for her in the finals.  Plus, she's a true artist: check out her rendition of Kanye West's "Heartless," my favorite performance of the entire season.

I'm eager to find out who takes home the big prize tonight.  I'm also eager to share with the producers my ideas for how to improve the show's format by extending the blind audition rounds, changing the way contestants are eliminated in the live rounds, and reformatting the judges' points system in the semi-finals.  So, Mark Burnett, if you happen to be reading this, hit me up, k?

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