Public Humiliation

Matt deserves it.

With a high of 92°F today, I thought it would be wise to just wear a polo shirt and a pair of shorts to the library to study.  But that was before I found out that the high in the library would only be 42°F.  I was literally shivering in my flip flops (I don't own any boots) as I forged my way through the tundra USMLEWorld practice questions.

But then, a glimmer of hope!  I asked, and Matt affirmed that he would bring a hoodie for me when he came to the library.  Eagerly, I waited.  And waited.  And waited.  Until 3pm, when I finally Gchatted him to ask him if he was coming at all.  His response?  I quote: "Too lazy, too far."

By that point, the frostnip on my fingers had turned into frostbite.  In fact, I'm currently typing with my nose.  It's very hard, because we Chinese people have very flat noses.

Matt, why didn't you just tell me earlier so that I could have just gone home and gotten a hoodie for myself!?  You will regret this... [shakes fist in the air]

1 comment:

Grace said...

i alwaaaays brought a hoodie to the library. you should've learned that from 2nd year!!! lol