Forgetful Me

A few weeks ago, I took a trip to Philadelphia to complete the Clinical Skills portion of my USMLE Step 2 exam.  The journey was fun and largely uneventful, except for the fact that I left my debit card in an ATM there.  So, I had to call Bank of America, cancel my card, and get a new one sent to me.  No big deal.

Earlier this week, I needed some cash, so I stopped by the Bank of America on the Corner.  I withdrew the money I needed and promptly walked away from the ATM.  That was two days ago.  Of course, I didn't realize I had even lost it until this afternoon, and at this particular branch of Bank of America, they dispose of the forgotten cards at the end of each business day.  So, for the second time in less than a month, I need a new debit card.

Moral of the story: don't ever trust Sammas with something that will fit into a wallet.  He will probably lose it.

Second moral of the story: sometimes, in order to secure a ridiculous deal like Rock Band 2 and DJ Hero with all of the equipment included for only $60, you must sacrifice something that is very important to you.  Hopefully, that something is replaceable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh, at least you didn't have your only one eaten by a machine in Kathmandu with a month and a half left in your travels... Thank Buddha for Western Union!