Do It for the Kids

I did it.

Today, I met with Dr. Keeley, and I plotted out my course to becoming a pediatrician.  It frightens me to even say it out loud, let alone publish it on the interwebz.  But here we are, and there you have it.  I'm going into Pediatrics!  Why?  Because it's my dream to one day be this guy:


That's right, I want to be an old, wizened doctor with a head full of white hair.  You would believe everything I told you.

Now all that's left is to inform Dr. Reed, my Family Medicine advisor, that I'm going to be changing career paths.  ZOMG, I'm so nervous!  What if he hates me and never wants to talk to me again??

1 comment:

Janice Dean said...

Sam, I promise this is a compliment: you are going to leave an impression on your patients just like the one left on me by the Indian (as in, from the subcontinent) pediatrician I saw growing up. I loved her, but she also occasionally said things that made even me tilt my head and think, "Aroo?" I was never afraid in her office, and I didn't dread going. How's that for a legacy!