Word of the Day

Mania - (n.) a period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least one week and characterized by at least three of the following:
(1) highly inflated, grandiose self-esteem
(2) decreased need for sleep
(3) pressured speech
(4) racing thoughts and flight of ideas
(5) easy distractibility
(6) increased goal-directed activity
(7) high excess involvement in pleasurable activities (sex, spending, travel)

If I'm not at least hypomanic, then gummy bears aren't the best ice cream topping in the world.  And they are.

But seriously, I've noticed a severe decrease in the amount I need to sleep recently.  I'm back down to high school-era levels, i.e. 5-6 hours a night without feeling tired during the day.  I also recently purchased an Ibanez IJV100SNT to replace my guitar that got stolen from the Mulholland Student Lounge with money I technically have on loan from the government.  But she's so beautiful...

And I don't think I need to convince any of you about my inflated sense of self-worth, my fast rate of speech, or my easy distracti...LOLCATS!?

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Did your guitar never get returned?....I'm really sorry I can't believe that :(