My First REAL Day of Work

I'm a real third year!  I can't believe I'm finally on the wards... and let's be honest, I'm completely clueless as to what I'm supposed to be doing.  Most of the day was spent sending and receiving text messages like "ZOMG what am I doing here??" to and from Lee.  Because, seriously, could second year of medical school have prepared me less for real interactions with doctors and patients??  AHHH!!

Okay, freaking out aside, today was actually really cool.  I'm the only medical student on the psychiatry rotation in Roanoke right now (there are normally three), so for better or for worse, I'm getting a lot of one-on-one attention.  I spent the morning being oriented by Dr. Rea, whose team I will be working on, and I spent the afternoon seeing outpatients with Dr. Hartman, the first blind physician in the country.  Is this real life!?

1 comment:

Mica said...

Congratulations, Sam, on making it this far! I hope that your crazy-ridiculous job is working out well. Is your life like "Scrubs" yet?