Stories from the Interwebz

Sometimes I worry about my sanity.  More and more often I discover myself talking not in normal English, but instead using words from LOLspeak.  I was discussing this disturbing trend with Nosheen and Lee, when Lee regaled to me the following tale:

My sister recently told me a story about her band director.  He was putting people in rows designated by letters and saying stuff like, "You all are in the A row as in 'Apple.'"  And when he got to O, he said, "You are in the O row as in 'O Hai.'"

Remember a few years ago when there was that big push to bring Ebonics into the academic curriculum?  Maybe they should look into doing that for LOLspeak instead.  In fact, I'd like to volunteer myself to chair the committee that presents this proposal to the Senate.

I mean, i can haz leedership role in teh itteh bitteh congreshunal committeh??

EDIT: In the spirit of all things lulz, I present you with Textbook FAIL (or is it ESL WIN?).

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