I Feel Fat

I had lunch with one of my professors from college today.  He suggested that we go to Lemongrass, which was fine by me since it's probably my favorite restaurant on the Corner.  It wasn't even half an hour after we finished, though, that the food coma started setting in, followed closely behind by a sense of remorse.

Part of the problem is that I have somehow convinced myself that all Asian food is healthy, even though this is a far cry from reality.  It's even less likely to be true when I consume 2-3 times the normal serving size at every meal.  But how can I resist, when beef and noodles make my taste buds so happy?

I've always believed that the best way to lose the guilt (and the excess pounds!) is to laugh it off.  And on that note, enjoy the following video I stole from Cameron's Gchat status.  Just make sure you don't watch it in the library, or you might end up under the table and crying like I did.  From laughing, of course.

1 comment:

Cameron Hill said...

w00t. now all of your friends will finally think i'm cool... hopefully.