
This morning, Pastor Leland gave a great sermon on the second Beatitude, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."  He talked about how it is natural to mourn after a difficult loss and also gave us advice on how best to comfort those around us who are mourning.  But the part of the service that I remember best was at the end, when he was giving the weekly church announcements.  While he was still talking, a cell phone went off in one of the back pews.  To have a cell phone go off during a church service or a class lecture or a theater production is bad enough, but this particular ringtone was... wait for it... a rooster's crow.

I kid you not.

And, for the next twenty seconds while the perpetrator searched for his or her cell phone, the entire congregation got to listen to the high-pitched sound of "Cockadoodledoo!" over and over again.

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