17. Missing Home

We took today off to just hang out and do absolutely nothing. This was partly because we were so exhausted from the Youth HIV/AIDS campaign earlier this week immediately followed by our own Caregiver Retreat, and partly because our host Ntate Mphoso had to drive to Maseru to pick up the new Peace Corps volunteer, leaving us with nothing to do anyway.

The much-needed time off gave me a lot of time to think, and I started to get homesick for the first time. I've been having so much fun in South Africa and Lesotho that I didn't stop to realize how much I missed the States. Not surprisingly, a few things in particular stuck out in my mind.

1. Paper towels. Little did I know how much I needed them until I discovered that they don't exist in Lesotho. How do I clean up spills? How do I wipe my hands after eating greasy chicken drumsticks? I simply cannot, I tell you!

2. Heaters. I've never lived in a house without heat in it, so I've never really known what it's like to be cold on a wintery night. And believe me, it gets COLD up here in the mountains. I'm currently typing on my computer under six blankets, and I wear a hoodie to bed every night, yet I still wake up shivering every morning. I guess Santa Claus really needs all that festive plumpness for insulation.

3. Unlimited, high-speed internet. Enough said.

4. Olive Garden. They don't have one in Charlottesville, and they don't have one in Mokhotlong. Seriously, God, what did I ever do to deserve this?

5. Titan. There's a puppy here named Tsina that we affectionately refere to as GROW Puppy, named after the organization where we live and work. She's adorable, and she's finally warmed up to us enough to let us pet her, but I still miss my own dog the most of all. Only two weeks until I get to play with him again!

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