I Want to Believe

I wanted to believe that The X-Files: I Want to Believe would be a good movie. I wanted to believe that it would return to the TV series' mytharc involving government concealment of alien plans to colonize Earth. I wanted to believe that I would be left wanting more. But, as Josh, Paul, and I learned last night, these beliefs were all horribly misplaced.

Instead of the interesting plot I was hoping for, we were given a terribly explained story about a Russian man stealing body parts for his gay lover. Add in rapper Xzibit, a pedophilic-priest-turned-psychic, and a pointless side story about a boy with Sandhoff disease. Throw in a few horrible lines, like, "We need you, Scully. Your medical expertise will save us time, and time is the enemy." Finally, mix in a confusing love story between the two main characters that begins and ends... and then begins again, for apparently no reason. Presto! The worst thing to come from Chris Carter since The Lone Gunmen spinoff series.

My suggestion is to save yourself the time and money, and just read the abridged script, because it makes a heck of a lot more sense than the movie ever did.

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