Binge and Purge

For a long time, I was friending all of the Sam Zhaos I could find on Facebook. I'm not really sure why, but I guess I thought it would be fun for some reason. Some of them accepted my friend requests, some of them denied them, and worst of all, some of them left me in limbo. As a result, every time I search for "Sam Zhao," a few show up having the dreaded "Friend Requested" phrase in gray text next to their name.

I was surprised to find that a few of them wanted to know more about me. Several of them sent me messages asking me about my life and what I did and why I friended them (I thought that part was pretty clear), and I actually corresponded with several of them. Most of the ones I talked to lived in either China (shocking) or Australia, where apparently there are a ton of Chinese immigrants.

Anyway, I took the leap last week and defriended all of them. This was in part because I was beginning to feel weird and creepy friending high schoolers that I had never met before, but it was mostly because I wanted to tag videos of myself on Facebook, but when I typed in my name, it would only give me five options, and none of them would be me. What's wrong with you, Facebook? Why are you trying to get in the way of my narcissism??


Tina aka Your Mommy said...

Sam, I can't believe you de-friended all of the people you so creepily friended in the first place. That's like stalking someone and forcing them to be your friend, and then telling them you're too cool to hang out with them anymore.

I'm ashamed of you.

helms said...

Are you kidding? Facebook is an overflowing well where one can't help but dip into the drowning waters of Narcissism.

With or without your "Sam Zhao" psuedo-friends, Narcissism reigns!