That Hit the Spot

I just had my first Gusburger since I graduated from college. I was sitting there, peacefully, in the middle of Littlejohn's New York Deli, when I saw Jim and Mary walk by. They informed me that they were going to the White Spot. There was no hope from then on. I followed them like a lemming, knowing that where we were headed would lead to my ultimate demise. Yet, I pressed on, knowing also that at the journey's end laid the most delicious burger of all time. Hamburger + Fried Eggs = CRAZY DELICIOUS! That is all.

EDIT: Apparently the White Spot has been expanded and now includes a diner area where the Sweet Spot used to be. I noticed this last night, but we turned down the shiny, new booths in favor of eating on the old park bench outside where the homeless men sit during the day. UVA: it's all about tradition.

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