I Dream of Kidney

Last night, I dreamed that all the epithelial sodium channels had been turned off in my patient's body. Luckily, I had the superpower to shrink down to a tiny size. As Micro Sammas, I was able to enter the patient's bloodstream, find my way to the kidneys, and repair each nephron by hand. Apparently there are a lot of ENaCs in the body, because the dream felt like an eternity.

Really, subconscious? Is that what you're always thinking about? I think I need to be psychoanalyzed.

And now it's time to forget everything I know about the heart and kidney and memorize everything there is to know about sleep, drugs, neurophysiology, and stress. Hooray for exams!

1 comment:

Grace said...

are those the kind of REM dreams you're having?! ahhh. i would go get an exchange...