Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my dad's 60th birthday, which is the most important birthday in Chinese culture. The zodiac has gone around five times, and his 60th birthday corresponds perfectly with the actual day he was born. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go home and celebrate because we have exams next week, so I didn't get to eat noodles and peaches, symbols of longevity, with my parents. Instead, I had a turkey sandwich, a Healthy Choice Grilled Chicken Marinara, and a pear for dinner. Mmm, delicious!

Speaking of birthdays, in a moment of weakness, I took the RealAge test. You know what I'm talking about; you've seen the ads online: "John McCain's RealAge is 63.7. What's yours?" Basically, you answer 132 questions about your lifestyle and family history. It turns out my RealAge is 15.4, which I guess I'll find exciting in a few years. But right now, that means I can't drink legally. In fact, I can't even vote. Or drive, for that matter. Man, being a teenager sucks. NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME! [Grows bangs, puts on tight jeans and studded belt, pulls hoodie over face, sulks while listening to My Chemical Romance in the background]

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