Five Dollar Footlongs

Part of why University Baptist Church is so great is its location. It's at the end of the Corner, putting it literally steps away from some of my favorite restaurants, like Baja Bean Co., Pita Pit, and Arch's. After church this morning, I swung by Subway to grab a delicious Oven Roasted Chicken Breast Sandwich on Honey Oat Bread before heading over to the library. As I was walking down JPA, I passed a guy who was leaving the hospital. When he saw my bag, his eyes immediately lit up the way Titan's do when he hears me open the peanut butter jar. He knocked me over, pinned me to the ground, shook me violently, and demanded, "Where is the closest Subway!?" Okay, so maybe only the last part of that sentence is true, but you can't prove it. Anyway, I directed him towards the Subway on the Corner, and he went merrily along his way.

Speaking of Titan, I'm bringing him to the dog park this afternoon for the first time ever. Here's to hoping that he doesn't do anything too embarrassing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope he poops on your Subway sandwich.