
When I blog, I try to paint a pretty picture of medical school, or at least a humorous one, but the reality is that it can really wear you down sometimes. I have never encountered such difficult material in my life, I don't enjoy the fact that our learning styles mostly involve memorization and reasoning instead of critical thinking and interpretation, and I feel my creative ability diminishing each day. It's easy for me to wake up in the mornings and wonder, Why am I doing this to myself? And it's exactly in times like this that I need to see an optimistic construction sign in front of the South Lawn Project. I was driving home from the library last night at 1:30 in the morning, and I actually made a U-turn on JPA and got out of my car in order to take this picture. It's a good reminder that in spite of my current circumstances, the alleged light at the end of the tunnel does, in fact, exist.

On a brighter note, Happy Halloween, everybody!

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