All Alone

I've done a lot of cycling classes before, and although it is definitely a female-dominated activity, there are always a few guys there as well. Not today. I walked in, picked a bike, sat down, looked up, and realized that the room was entirely full of girls. More were soon to follow, eagerly descending upon the yellow titanium x-framed exercise machines like a swarm of locusts. Ten minutes before the class was supposed to start, all 22 of the bikes were occupied, and my Y chromosome was all by its lonesome. I'm not gonna lie, being surrounded by a pack of uber-athletic girls with their hair tied back and legs pumping at 347831028 mph can be a little intimidating. By the end of the hour, I was drenched in sweat and exhausted, and of course, half of the girls hadn't even broken a sweat yet. I think they were robots.

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