How Hot Is Fire?

It's Easter weekend and I have nothing school-related to do, so logically another under-24-hour road trip is in order. Yesterday afternoon we went up to Lee's house in Lexington to enjoy the beautiful April weather. Josh and I arrived a little later than the others, and it turns out they had bought what seemed like over 50 pounds of food for six people. We didn't let it deter us, though, and we cooked a lot (I mean a lot) of bread, asparagus, corn, and kebabs.

At some point along the line, I lost all sense of self control and ate six meat skewers. I can't even say how many veggie skewers I had last night. Is this how my spiral into obesity begins?

After dinner we built a bonfire outside, which became hot enough to melt glass. Curious as to how hot our fire had actually become, we Googled the phrase, "How hot is fire?" My favorite Yahoo! Answer: "idk touch it and tell me lol." Simply genius.

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