Curtain Call

It's been said that all good things must come to an end, and so must this weekend's run of H2$. I'm happy to say that we put on three great performances. And, as with the close of every show or concert I've done, I have mixed feelings of relief and remorse. Relief that I once again have my evenings back, and remorse that I will likely never perform that music again.

It almost makes me wish I could fulfill my lifelong dream. No, not the one where I become a pediatric cardiologist; that one's still going strong. The other one, where I play piano for a hit Broadway production. It would be great to play the same wonderful music over and over, and not just for a weekend or two, but for months at a time. I don't know, maybe the thrill of being onstage (or under it, as the case may be) would eventually wear off... but man, I'd love to see what would happen if it didn't.

But that's the life for another Sam to lead. I don't know of any residents with side jobs in a major theater company. No, this Sam will just have to be content with community productions from now on.

Today's shout-outs go to Josh, Neil, and Nosheen, who came to last night's performance and then subsequently kept me up till up until 5am. I honestly don't know whether to thank you for a fun night or to curse you for a terrible morning.

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