In Response to AnswerThis:


Unfortunately, this is not Family Medicine clinic.  Oh, how I wish it were.

This is Family Medicine inpatient, which means that there's only one team, and we admit patients every single day.  That's right, we don't take Q4 or Q3 or even Q2 call: we take call every single day.  And when patients are admitted overnight, guess who gets to pick them up in the morning?  The only Family Medicine inpatient team, which is... oh yeah, us.

So I trust you'll understand if my posts this month are few and far between.  Because they will be.

And now it's time for me to go back to the hospital to read up on the two patients that we admitted at 5:30.  And maybe when I present them tomorrow I won't sound like I'd never done a presentation in my entire life like I did this morning.  That would be nice.

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