New Week, New Friends

I always get excited when I have new friends joining the blogosphere, and with two of them this week, I'm practically jumping off of the walls.

We'll start with Warren, a recent UVA graduate who is spending his year off in Guatemala while he applies to begin medical school next fall.  I'm particularly excited about this blog because not only is Warren my friend, but I'll also be in Guatemala for two months next year working on my medical Spanish, so it's a nice glimpse into what my future will hold.  Coincidentally, his latest post is about premonitions.

Next we have Harris, who's continuing the trend of my friends starting food blogs.  These are always bittersweet: I love reading the posts and looking at the pictures, but doing so inevitably causes me to become insatiably hungry.  I've been excited about Harris starting a blog all week, because I actually found out about it when I hung out with him last Saturday in Richmond.  He's probably just happy the blog is up so I will stop nagging him about it on Gchat.

Okay, during the 10 minutes it took me to write that post, I ate approximately eight pounds of pita chips and hummus.  WHY IS IT SO DELICIOUS!?

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